Frequently Asked Questions

Are all Maine Coons extra big?  

Yes and no! They all have extra big personalities and are in general bigger than other domestic cats. Males are on average 14-25 lbs, females 8-12 lbs with some cats slightly outside that range. Sometimes you’ll hear of one that weighs 30 lbs+, but that’s oftentimes a cat that is overweight and had their paws in the treat jar a little too much.  Excessive weight can lead to a multitude of health problems. It is best to check the body condition of your cat regularly with a body condition chart, not go by weight only, since cats are all different and some are taller/longer and can handle more weight. We do not breed for XXL sizes, since that can cause a higher rate of hip dysplasia and heart problems.  

What is their temperament?

Maine Coons are nicknamed “dogs of the cat world” and “gentle giants” for a reason. They are playful, sweet, intelligent and social cats. It makes them ideal companions for people that like to interact with their pets, and for families with kids. They are often very attached to their owners and will follow them from room to room, because of their loyal and curious nature. Most Maine Coons will stay playful, even when older, and require time and attention. They are also very flexible and trainable and are known to enjoy going for walks on a leash. This breed is best suited for people that like spending quality time with their cat. 

Which gender is better?

We don’t really see a difference between the genders; every Maine Coon we have is very affectionate and wants to be around us. Girls don’t get as big, but they have a wonderful personality, and their character is what we really fall in love with. 

Can we come to pick up our kitten and see the parents too?

Yes! We allow people that have an approved application to come to our home, with some precautions (no shoes, masks and hand washing to keep kittens safe), and by appointment only. Our cattery is not a business and does not have specific opening hours, but we are pretty flexible. Please understand that this is our home, so we ask for some privacy and please don’t come without appointment, since we aren’t home 24/7. Kittens have to be at least 10 weeks old for visits. We are also happy to video chat with you. We always recommend video chats if you are looking for a breeder and before you send any deposits…there are so many scammers, and with a video chat you’ll at least know that the breeder and kittens are real.  

Why do we wait at least 14 weeks for kittens to go home?

When you buy a Maine Coon kitten from a breeder, please make sure they stay at least until they are 12 weeks old. We wait until 14-15 weeks. This is important, since kittens at 8 weeks don’t have antibodies from vaccines and have in general a weaker immune system. They are also more confident and well-adjusted when older, which means moving and a new home won’t be as stressful. Kittens still learn a lot from their mom and siblings during those weeks and are often still nursing and not fully weaned. The breeder is not depriving you of the kitten experience when they are keeping them this long, it is only in the best interest of the kitten. It’s more work and money for the breeder to keep them longer, so when you see a kitten offered at 8 weeks, you know why they are doing it. Most cat registries have it as a rule that they can’t leave the cattery before 12 weeks old. Getting a kitten from a breeder is not the same as getting a kitten from a rescue or shelter. Those places have to find homes quickly for their kittens, since there are always more kittens that need their help. They simply don’t have the resources to keep them longer, but breeders do.  

Can you guarantee that the kitten will always be healthy for the rest of its life? 

Unfortunately, no, that is the honest answer. We do what we can to give your kitten the best start in life and we use health testing for all breeding cats. Testing has its limits and just like for us humans, many things can’t be predicted or tested. A Healthy diet, regular vet checks, dental hygiene (including teeth brushing), healthy weight and environmental enrichment are essential for the well-being of your cat. We offer a three-year health guarantee for specific genetic diseases and a two-year guarantee for FIP. It is always a good idea to be financially prepared for emergencies or to have health insurance for your cat and other pets. Breeders should use PCR testing, DNA, hip X-rays and yearly echocardiograms to test all their breeding cats. 

Do you sell cats with breeding rights?

We do not offer breeding rights to the public; we only work with specific catteries that we know well and have similar husbandry and health testing practices. Breeding these cats is a lot more complicated than it looks from the outside. As a breeder you have to learn about cat genetics, how to calculate inbreeding since Maine Coons are related to each other, breed standard, genetic and other diseases, husbandry practices, health testing, parasites, reproductive issues, delivery, neonatal kitten care etc. You also have to change your house to accommodate intact cats (they spray, males and females have to be kept separate etc.) That’s why breeders don’t allow breeding rights for everyone. It’s also very expensive and not everyone has the money to pay for breeding rights, a cattery setup in their house and health testing. Having a cattery takes a lot of work and time and should not be underestimated. 

Do Maine Coons require grooming?

Yes, they need to be brushed to avoid mats. We recommend a metal comb and slicker brush, never a Furminator. Cats also need their nails clipped and their teeth brushed regularly. We get them used to nail clipping and will show you how to do it.

What happens after my kitten comes home?

We are always here to answer questions and give support. We love to stay in touch with our kitten families and build long lasting relationships. Getting updates and pictures is also very appreciated. 

Why is it important to get registration paperwork?

Making sure that your breeder is registered with a cat registry and getting registration paperwork for your kitten is the only way to make sure that you are getting what you paid for. Registering a litter is very cheap for the breeder. People that sell unregistered kittens often don’t have breeding rights for their cats or aren’t breeding with real Maine Coons. Don’t fall for excuses when they don’t want to provide papers.

When you come from farther away

We are happy to meet you at the Denver and Colorado Springs airports. Kittens are required to fly in cabin, never cargo. They typically do well flying. In most cases it is possible to book a same day round trip without having to stay overnight. You can also hire a pet nanny that will deliver your kitten to you.